Andy Berg
My artistic path has been circuitous. As a young adult I had a full time pottery studio after graduating from Design Arts (Material Arts: Major in Ceramics; Minor in Textiles) Georgian College. Twelve years later I was physically spent, in the midst of a recession and quit pottery, swearing to never work in the arts again. Following a pause for child rearing, I completed a BFA in 2008 with Distinction at Queen’s University as a process of health recovery. Utilizing a Feminist lens: dreams, walking, random processes, threshold states, vital energy concepts hold my attention. I have been working part-time as an artist since 2008, and recently as a full time artist (2020), establishing a studio in Brockville ON. I was elected to the Sculptors Society of Canada 2011.
Artist Statement
Engaging a holistic, Earth centred and feminist ethic, my sculpture practice focuses on:
A critical, tactile expression of humanity’s shared connection to and responsibility for our home, The Earth, via sculptures and installations, often with cement castings and objects found by chance on the surface of the Earth during art walk practices.
An examination of mid-20th century women’s abstract expressionist painting conceptual frameworks by employing the craft methods of pottery forming into ceramic sculptures as an analytical processs of recapitulation.
As a partner in Riel+Berg Culture and Art, an Indigenous and Non-Indigenous team that engages with community through public art, education and artistic interpretation of TRC Calls for Action.
Visual/tactile methods for intergrating vital energy concepts into spatial considerations that facilitate viewer’s haptic engagement.